Thursday, March 13, 2014

Catt - Playing catch up!

Well, firstly, I would like to say sorry to everyone.  We have not posted here in a very long time.  Over winter things were a little crazy.  Lots of traveling, school camps, you name it.  But here's a post to hopefully satisfy whatever curiosities you may have about what's been going on in our lives.

One big thing we did recently, at the end of January, was we visited Tokyo!  All I can say is wow!  It was a phenomenal trip.  We spent about 5 nights, 6 days there.  My favorite parts of the trip were definitely visiting Harajuku and Disney Sea.  In Harajuku we even found a Garrett's Popcorn!  With the Chicago Mix!!!  The line stretched all the way out of the shop though and around the corner, so we didn't get any.   But it was really cool to see.  While in Tokyo, we also visited with Dan's childhood best friend, Tyler.  He showed us some sights and took us out to dinner our first night there.  It was great to see someone from "home".  Disney was really great too.  Being that it was January and so cold out plus being a Monday when we went, not too many people were there.  It was really nice.  I can now say I have visited Disney parks on three continents!  North America, Europe and Asia!  Cool huh?  :-)

At the beginning of February, both of us had to teach for a really random week and half to two weeks.  The kids were so not into being at school, and neither was I frankly.  lol  It didn't help that we got about 4-5 inches of snow here in Gyeongju.  The kids LOVED it.  It is really rare that they ever get that much snow here.  It was so much snow that roofs actually collapsed under the weight of all of it.  School ended up releasing early for me one day and then starting late the next.  My school didn't completely cancel though like some other schools.  

After these two weeks came the awful, dreaded desk warming.  2 full weeks of it to be exact.  8 hours a day, 40 hours a week of sitting behind a desk with a computer and doing nothing.  Ugh, but you guys already know my feelings about that.  :-)

School finally started back up for Dan and I on March 3rd.  I started teaching that day right away but Dan still had one more week of desk warming.  Poor thing.  :-(  I met my new freshmen and tried wholeheartedly to deal with my returning sophomores.  (They are rather rowdy.)  

But now for the BIG news!  Drum roll please.....  Dan and I have decided to stay on another year in Korea!  :-D  I have applied to transfer to an elementary school in Daegu.  So hopefully that will work out.  I have to reapply and interview with EPIK all over again, which is complete bull in my opinion.  But I guess you gotta do what you gotta do!  

Anywho, that's about it for now.  We have several busy, busy weekends coming up.  We head to Busan to celebrate Holi Hali this weekend.  Then in 2 weeks we go to Jindo to take part in a Tea and Sea Parting Festival.  We will tour some famous green tea fields one day and then the next day we will literally walk across the ocean floor!  It's a natural phenomenon that happens every year here, the sea will part for 1 - 2 hours and you can walk from the main land to an island about 1 - 2 km away.  The weekend after that we go to Jinhae to attend a cherry blossom festival.  

I promise to take lots of pictures and get them up here ASAP!  

Love and miss you all!  Talk to you later!!!  <3