Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Catt - EPIK Get Together and Final Paperwork

Catt here.

So last night Dan and I finally got to meet some other EPIKer's!  It was a great little get together in downtown Chicago at a place called the "Emerald Loop".  It was a nice bar and grill with an Irish theme.  Everyone was super nice and outgoing.  Afterwards Dan and I were chatting about it and I couldn't believe how "real" everything felt all of the sudden.  Like this is actually happening and everything.  It was crazy.  

We talked about stuff like how to exchange money, what our apartments would be like, why we chose EPIK and Korea and other things.  It was just really cool to meet others and know some people before we leave.  I'm hoping that some of them will be in our orientation group.

Anyways, today I finally got all my paperwork in for moving to Korea!  I picked up my diploma yesterday from Columbia (finally) and was able to get a copy notarized and everything today.  So I mailed it out today and my job is now very secure.  The only thing left is getting my visa.  I tried to get that today too but it wasn't ready yet.  I'll pick that up after I return to Chicago from DC in a week or so.

That's about it for now.  I'll keep you updated on other interesting Korea-esc things.  Stay tuned!


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