Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Catt - Anapji Pond

Dan and I finally did something I've been wanting to do since we got here, we went sight seeing.  Not like in a big city like Busan or Seoul, but in Gyeongju.  We visited a historical sight called Anapji Pond.  It was beautiful to say the least.  

We went right at sundown, which many sites recommended doing.  It was perfect.  Here are some photos from our time there.   

The place was just absolutely stunning.  I plan on taking any one who visits Gyeongju there at night.  They say nighttime is the best time to visit and I'm so glad that we planned it that way.  

So Anapji Pond actually used to be a palace for kings of the past, like thousands of years ago.  Everything you see is rebuilt to look like it probably looked in the past.  The pond is artificial and has been there a very long time, I'm not sure how long though.  The kings would take their courts there and go boating, fishing and hunting around the area.  It was sort of like a weekend retreat for them from what I understand.  

If you want to know more, you can probably just look it up on Wikipedia or just google search it.  

Talk to you later!  


1 comment:

  1. You're right, absolutely stunning! Makes me want to come and visit. Thank you for sharing.
