Thursday, April 24, 2014

Catt - A girl can change her mind right?!

Well hello again!

Things have been topsy turvy as of late.  Well, in my head at least.  Let's rewind to last Friday…

So Friday rolls around.  I'm still sick but just able to make audible sounds, enough to proceed with my EPIK interview.  The interview starts out as normal.  Name, age, where are you from, why did you apply, yada, yada.  That lasts for about 2 minutes.  Then the interviewer, an extremely nice guy I will add, start talking about my transfer.  Dun-dun-dun…

He spends a full 10 minutes telling basically trying to talk me out of transferring.  10 MINUTES!  I'm just like, omg, I get it.  Transferring is difficult, its nothing I didn't expect.  So I reassure him that I want to press forward with the transfer to Daegu.  We spend another 5 minutes then going over some basic expected interview questions, how has your teaching changed being in high school and what challenges have you faced?  Finally, for the last 5 minutes we go over the needed paperwork to go ahead with the transfer.

When its all over, I immediately call Dan and tell him everything.  I give him all the deets and we agree to talk more later, as he was still at work technically.  So that night and on Saturday Dan and I talk and agree I should move forward with the transfer.

Well then comes Monday.  For some reason on Monday, I start doubting the transfer.  I look over my contract and realize that by transferring I lose out on my renewal bonus, which was a significantly higher amount than I thought it was.  Plus I'd lose out on an extra weeks vacation.  Yikes.

So on Tuesday I have my co-teacher make a phone call to the POE for me (Provincial Office of Education).  Long story short, transferring was going to be more difficult and more of a crap shoot than I thought.

Yep, so that's that!  I decided to take the safer route and stay in Gyeongju.  And it turns out that since I'm staying in Gyeongju, I can actually choose my placement location/position for next year.  Right now I'm in the process of contacting foreign teachers to see who is leaving so I can take over their positions.  

That's all for now folks!  I'll of course keep you updated on all the latest happenings here and on Facebook.  I'm really excited to move forward this year and finally get the elementary position I've been coveting!

Miss you and love you all!!!  <3

Went to the doctor last Friday as well and found out I had come down with a case of mild laryngitis.  He gave me some meds and my very first Korean butt shot!  haha  (It's actually more of a very lower hip/high butt shot.  So the pants didn't have to come too far down fortunately!)  Idk what was in the shot, but my voice was back to normal within 2 hours!  Whoa!  Gotta love the health care over here…  :-)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Catt - Reapplying to EPIK

Hey everyone!

Things have, as of late, been very busy as per usual.  :-)  We traveled a few weekend ago to Jindo, an island on the West coast of Korea.  There, we partook in the yearly sea parting festival and visited some beautiful green tea fields.  Then about 2 weekends ago we visited Jinhae, in Southern Korea.  There we went to the cherry blossom festival, one of the largest and most beautiful in Korea.  Last weekend was a mixture of Gyeongju and Daegu.   So we have been very busy!  :-)

In the midst of all this busyness, I have been eagerly awaiting a reply from EPIK about my application to switch cities and continue in their program.  Well, on Monday I finally got an answer!  I passed the first selection phase and will now enter the second, interviews.  Dun-dun-duuuunnnnnnn  My interview will be this Friday afternoon!

I'm actually not too worried about it.  I am expecting it to be very similar to last years interview, which went very smoothly.  Dan has been helping me prepare at night by pretending to be the interviewer and asking me expected questions.  (Thanks again hun.  <3)

After I pass the interview basically all there will be left to do is gather all my paperwork.  I have to submit pretty much the same things I did last year, and then a few extra documents, like my Korean Criminal Record Check.

The last phase of the entire process will then take place over the summer some time.  I have to pass another medical examination.  The medical exam here is basically, in my humble opinion, an excuse to give me a drug test.  haha  So I'll obviously pass that with no problems.

So as of right now, the only major thing up in the air is where I will get placed.  Fingers crossed for Daegu!!!  :-D

I should have the results of my interview within 2-3 business days after it takes place.  So next week Tuesday or Wednesday I will be expecting to hear back from them.

So, in the end, positive thoughts and good vibes are appreciated!  Wish me luck!

Love and miss you all!
