Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Catt - Reapplying to EPIK

Hey everyone!

Things have, as of late, been very busy as per usual.  :-)  We traveled a few weekend ago to Jindo, an island on the West coast of Korea.  There, we partook in the yearly sea parting festival and visited some beautiful green tea fields.  Then about 2 weekends ago we visited Jinhae, in Southern Korea.  There we went to the cherry blossom festival, one of the largest and most beautiful in Korea.  Last weekend was a mixture of Gyeongju and Daegu.   So we have been very busy!  :-)

In the midst of all this busyness, I have been eagerly awaiting a reply from EPIK about my application to switch cities and continue in their program.  Well, on Monday I finally got an answer!  I passed the first selection phase and will now enter the second, interviews.  Dun-dun-duuuunnnnnnn  My interview will be this Friday afternoon!

I'm actually not too worried about it.  I am expecting it to be very similar to last years interview, which went very smoothly.  Dan has been helping me prepare at night by pretending to be the interviewer and asking me expected questions.  (Thanks again hun.  <3)

After I pass the interview basically all there will be left to do is gather all my paperwork.  I have to submit pretty much the same things I did last year, and then a few extra documents, like my Korean Criminal Record Check.

The last phase of the entire process will then take place over the summer some time.  I have to pass another medical examination.  The medical exam here is basically, in my humble opinion, an excuse to give me a drug test.  haha  So I'll obviously pass that with no problems.

So as of right now, the only major thing up in the air is where I will get placed.  Fingers crossed for Daegu!!!  :-D

I should have the results of my interview within 2-3 business days after it takes place.  So next week Tuesday or Wednesday I will be expecting to hear back from them.

So, in the end, positive thoughts and good vibes are appreciated!  Wish me luck!

Love and miss you all!


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