Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Catt - Getting Comfortable

Today serves as my first official day of what feels like “desk warming”.  Desk warming is the act of sitting at a desk all day, doing absolutely nothing.  You must be there to be paid, but can do whatever you like.  My manager even gave me permission to nap on the sofa in my room when I don't have classes.  Except for occasionally checking facebook and reading some news, I have not done squat today. Well, I did edit some of my lesson plans for about an hour, I guess that counts for something!

I have no classes today because all the students are doing SAT prep today.  The Korean version of the SAT is very high stakes and not even the bells are ringing today in order to not disturb the students.  Students will literally kill themselves over these tests.  Honestly, South Korea has one of the largest suicide rates in the world.  L

On to some less depressing topics though, haha.  I am settling in rather nicely I think.  I got a desk for my apartment yesterday so now I have a place to sit on my laptop and a place to eat.  I was just eating standing up before which wasn’t much fun.  I even found an English TV channel last night!  I was watching a show I don’t even particularly care for, but it was in English which felt like home!  Yes, it had Korean subtitles but I don’t mind those too much.

Still no word on a bed yet.  My manager said she would contact the person in charge of it again today.  If this isn’t resolved within 2 days I’m going to ask the school to pay for at least an air mattress type thing for me.  Or a cot to get me off the floor.  My hips and back are killing me! 

I’ve only had one day of official teaching, but I can tell you this, high school boys are weird.  They make random sounds and hit each other a lot.  Is that just a guy thing?  They will pummel each other and laugh about it.  It seems very odd to me. 

My classes have all been going ok.  The students for now are rather quiet.  I think they are not comfortable with me yet.  Mostly they just sit and stare blankly.  I asked if I am talking too fast but they said no.  Their English levels are all over the place too.  One kid I can have a fluid conversation with while others can hardly say “hello” or “thank you”.  One kid yesterday only knew 3 English phrases, “study”, “hello” and “I don’t know”. 

Some other things about Korea – all my fellow teachers find it very strange that I don’t eat rice with breakfast.  When they ask me what I had for breakfast and I say “cereal and a banana”, they look at me with their wide eyes and say “why no rice?!”  haha  I just tell them that in America we do not traditionally have rice with breakfast.  I was also told today that I do not eat enough for lunch.  I am to try one of everything from now on.  I thought I was doing fine because I was full.  They must just think that American’s are hungry all the time because they are constantly giving me snacks and stuff.  I have discovered some good food from the snacks they have given me, like seasoned seaweed paper and Chocopies! 

Everyone here also assumes that American’s can’t handle spicy food.  It works to my benefit because I don’t like spicy food, but I can’t shake the horrible feeling I have for perpetuating the stereotype.  >.<  Koreans are also very honest people.  They say whatever is on their mind.  It was shocking at first but now I’m getting used to it.  They tell me all the time how tall I am.  The funniest one was when a guy told me I was big for my age.  Lol  You just have to take everything with a grain of salt…

Well I can’t think of anything else at the moment.  I will be posting pictures of my school, apartment and classroom soon hopefully.  Dan is coming over this weekend and will maybe be able to get my wifi working.  Until next time!

Talk to you later!      


  1. Ha ha Catherine.. I feel like your experiences are so similar to mine. Boys schools are so weird! Good luck!

  2. Interesting that they are more honest and speak their mind. As time passes, I'd love to hear more about how you find that practice... Thanks for sharing these blogs!

  3. Yes, the hitting and sounds of High School boys is very common -- it is a guy thing:) I hope you get off the floor soon!! Thank you for the write up Catt -- fascinating!

  4. Yes, boys are weird. But thank God they do grow out of it. Well some do. I would fit right in with the way they talk. I will tell you what I think as well. Love you bunches.

  5. Wow Cat...what a whirlwind of experiences for you! Thank you for sharing them all especially your feelings! I can really feel for you! and someone...needs to get you a bed! If I were you, I would layer the floor with clothes or blankets...or roll towels up and use them for pillows...ask the boys to start praying for a bed for you! Ok keep on wriing! It is all so interesting and exciting! Take care! Pat Housh
