Thursday, September 26, 2013

Catt - Ramblings of a (now) high school teacher

I find myself constantly trying to compare high school to early childhood education.  Every time I say something or make an in class assignment, I ask myself, would a 3rd grader be able to do this?  I don't know why I ask myself that, but the answer still eludes me.  But I have found some comfort in a realization that I came to recently.

My high school students act essentially the same as my 6 year olds from last year.

I have to say things to them like "stop touching his butt", "take your hands out of your pants", "put your shirt back on" and "turn around and listen please".  Especially the touching part.  I never realized this, but teenage boys touch each other ALL THE TIME.  They are constantly play fighting and hitting one another.  Or they're falling asleep on each others shoulders.

I also have found that the boys all crave artistic expression.  I will give them a simple 2 minute drawing assignment and they will spend 15 minutes putting finishing details on it.  (Check my facebook for some examples of student work.)  I just wish I had more access to better materials for them than crayons and cheap markers. 

I miss my 1st graders everyday.  But I guess I am slowing adjusting to life in high school.  It is rather nice to not have to moderate the he-said-she-said arguments.  I think that's mostly because the Korean teachers handle that stuff.  And lesson planning is certainly much easier now that I only teach one subject.  I still find myself longing for playgrounds and slides and colorful hallways filled with children's work.  One day I'll go back there, and it will be glorious! 

That's about it for now.  I'm actually sure that there is much more I could say but it all eludes me right now.  If you have any questions about teaching high school or English or anything else, post them below.   Love and miss you!!!  XOXO

Talk to you later!



  1. When i started out in education I always thought I wanted the little ones but find so much to enjoy about high schoolers too! I think you are making the most of this experience and learning a ton! Keep your amazing and adventurous attitude!
