Sunday, August 18, 2013

Catt - Hello from 32,000 feet! (Kind of)

-  As I write this, I am about 3 1/2 hours into my 14 hour flight.  It's not too bad so far.  Asiana has great service.  First thing they did was give out slippers.  My feet thanked them.  Then we got headphones and hot towels to wash our hands with before eating.

So far we've had lunch.  Dan and I chose to have the traditional Korean meal they offered.  It was beef with mixed veggies and rice.  It was served cold which was a little strange to me.  I can't remember what the dish was called.  It started with “Bi” though.  It came with fish soup and Kimchi of course.  I chose not to eat the Kimchi though, I haven't worked my taste bud guts up to that yet.

Right now we are flying over Canada.  We're making an upward arc that will take us above Canada, Alaska and a little part of Russia.  (Dad, I waved to Sarah Palin just for you.  :-P )The sky is clear with a beautiful view of some very nice lakes.

The plane itself is kind of “old school”.  I guess what I mean by old school is that the plane itself seems older.  Its a B 777-200.  It is arranged 3 seats-3 seats-3 seats.  Dan and I have a middle and an aisle seat toward the back of the plane.  He was kind enough to give up the aisle seat for me though.  :-)  The plane does have small TV screens in the back of the seats in front of us.  It has a wide selection of TV shows, movies (Asian and American), music and even games.    

At the airport we ran into several other EPIKers as I call them.  One we knew previously from the Chicago get together we went to.  Many we met for the first time.  All were from the Midwest.  I was glad to find out that many had just graduated like me.  And it turns out I wasn't the only one with problems getting my diploma from the school!  Though my story seems to be the worst so far.  (I mean seriously, I attend your institution for 5 years and then you spell my name wrong on my diploma?  Come on.)

Well, they're closing the shades and turning down the lights.  I'm gonna attempt at some shuteye.  Its about 4pm Chicago time but 6am Seoul time.  We'll land about 4pm their time in Seoul but 2am Chicago time.  Yikes.  So yeah, I best get some rest.  I'll write more later after some other interesting things develop.  Cause you know, 14 hours on a plane is just rivited with drama.  ;-)

-  14 hour flights are no joke.  My legs and back hurt like crazy.  Yes I've been getting up periodically but the space is limited even then.  No sleep yet either.  I watched a movie instead.  Nothing too great.
Right now we are about to cross the international date line.  I kind of picture this line that goes through the air like a rainbow.  And that there will be Skittles and unicorns on the other side.  Just kidding.
I forgot to mention before, I would recommend Asiana to anyone flying to Asia.  They have been very nice so far.  They checked not one, not two but three bags for me.  The only reason they charged me was that one was overweight.  But yeah, they let me check my third bag, my carry on, for free.  The flight attendants are also very nice.    

So I have a question for everyone.  Whats the easiest way to learn the metric system?  I know that for degrees you have to triple the Celcius and minus 9 or something.  But as far as distance, height and weight, I could use some tips.  I know I could look it up online, but getting ideas from you all is more fun.

Anywho, I'm not sure what else to write about for now.  We're about halfway through the flight.  Dan is playing on his 3DS and I've got my September issue of Vouge to keep me company.  :-)
And btw – shout outs to Dad and Kevin for providing us with neck pillows.  They are life savers.  And another shout out to Kathy (Dan's mom) for the snacks.  The gum has really helped my ears.  <3

-  Well, we have arrived!  We sit in our little hotel room finally showered (or bathed.  The bath had a shower head but no curtain, so you kind of had to crouch and do a little dance to wash your hair) and catching up on lost and very missed internet time.  Dinner is in about an hour and a half.  Educon is putting it on for all of us who arrived today.  After that its bedtime for this tired girl.  I don't think I slept but for maybe an hour.  Check below for in flight photos.  (Sorry Dad, I didn't get one with a flight attendant.)  Tomorrow we head back to the airport to take our 3 hour bus ride to the university we'll call home for the next 10 days during orientation.  That's all for now folks!

나중에 얘기해요!   

Photo of our plane!  (It was the best angle I could get.)

Happy to finally be off to S. Korea!

Our in flight progress and picture of the route the plane took.

Tired after 13 hours on the plane.  Ugh.

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