Monday, August 19, 2013

Catt - Observations

I've been making quite a few observations since arriving.  I'm not trying to be judgmental or negative, they are just observations.  I know to keep my mind open and to go with the flow, which I am doing.  But here's a few things I've noticed so far...

- Hills.  And tons of them.  I guess I'm used to Illinois and is flatness.  I can't wait to have time to take some pictures to share with you all.

- Metal chopsticks.  OMG, they are so much harder to hold too!  I had finally learned how to use the wooden ones pretty well and then this through me for a whole new loop!

- Small cups.  America does do everything bigger I guess.

- The buildings all look relatively similar.  There is not a lot of variation among the high rises I've seen so far.  Someone described it as looking like a prison cell block, haha.

- Cars.  I thought they would be smaller like in Europe but they drive pretty good sized cars here.  Nothing as big as the US sized SUV's though.  And they drive on the right side of the road like in the US too.

- Not too many suburbs.  At least that I've discovered yet.  They all seemed to be city's and such.

- Lots of green.  There are trees everywhere.

- Rocky sidewalks.  And they are bumpy too.  It was hard to walk on in flip flops yesterday.

- The people are very nice!  :-)

- PC Cafe's.  There were 5 in like a 3 block radius that we noticed yesterday.  

Well that's about it for now.  It's been so fun to notice the differences and similarities between here and home.  I'm sure that there are plenty more but for now these are the ones that have stood out to me the most.

Talk to you later!  <3

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